Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Next project – a bedspread

I have started on my new project – a bedspread.
Some time ago I created a few hexagons on a loom. I was a bit disappointed with the loom overall. It was difficult to get the tension correct to create a flat piece of work, and the finished hexagon was rather holey. Nevertheless I created quite a few, crocheted borders around them, and sewed them into a poncho. I wore it a few times, but was not wholly satisfied with it.
hexagons made on a loom
At Christmas I received a lovely book: Mandalas to Crochet, by a Dutch artist Haafner Linssen. I’d been looking forward to having a go at making some of these exquisite crochet circles. I would say that I am a proficient knitter, but have always been unsure about crochet. This book is fantastic and has increased my confidence considerably. Then I came across the hexagon loom creation whilst sorting through a drawer, and decided to combine saving this and exploring the patterns in the book. I filled in the centre hole of the poncho with a large crochet hexagon, and started working on adding more hexagons around it. I am aiming to turn it into a bedspread.
the centre hexagon
the next row of hexagons in pastel colours with a dark border

I’m not the most patient person when it comes to large projects. I always want the item to be finished quicker than is possible. I am enjoying creating these shapes, however, and determined to see it through. I am well on the way to finishing a set of hexagons in pastel colours to surround the original poncho shape. One more set around that and it will be wide enough for a bedspread. Then I will have to add more hexagons each end to make it long enough. I estimate at least 150 to 160 hexagons for the basic shape, and have made about 60 so far. So, ‘Long ways to go yet, hobbits...

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