Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Zendala - circular mandala-like tangleations

I have just tried out tangling mandala-like shapes for the first time. They have been in my ‘want to do’ list for a while, and finally I found time.
Zendala-Moments Template #1
Petals/Heartband/Well well who/Hut plant/Coil/Petals
 Many thanks to Annette for her Zendala Moments templates which can be found on her blog.
Zendala-Moments Template #2


  1. Both Zendalas are beautiful! I like your choice of tangles and their combination! The colours are so lovely!
    Thank you so much for your Zendala Moments!

    1. Thank you for stopping by and for your comment. I love your templates and hope to have time to create more Zendala Moments soon.


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