Friday 17 January 2014


I was not too inspired by the topic for the third week of the Documented Life Project: an envelope.  I rarely receive interesting post and even more rarely receive it in an interesting envelope.  Most personal and interesting communication arrives by email these days.  So I had to resort to the best recently delivered envelope I could find, which turned out to be from Tesco.  At least it had a bit of a design on it.  Having chosen the envelope I placed it on a piece of card and stared at it.  What to do next?

The good thing about the topic is that it moved me out of my comfort zone of photo montage.  A physical object as part of a piece of artwork required a different sort of creativity.  It is such a long time since I have drawn or painted, that my artwork materials are stored away somewhere (in the garage I hope as I couldn’t find them in the loft).  I will look them out this weekend, but wanted to get on with the project quickly.  This meant that I was limited to a few coloured pencils, glitter gel pens and marker pens.

My interaction with an envelope from a superstore, glued to a piece of card, has produced an odd piece of whimsy.  I am not sure that it can really be called ‘art’ but at least it has made me draw something and want to look out my art materials.

So in the end the envelope has been quite an inspiring topic.  I feel excited that I might soon be painting and drawing and rediscovering myself as an artist.

You will have to be of a certain age to understand why I added a cuddly toy to the conveyor belt!

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