Wednesday 1 May 2013


For my birthday—which isn’t actually until next week—’ö-Dzin has bought me a camera.  If you are a regular reader you will know that ’ö-Dzin has usually supplied the photographs for my blog.  Now I am taking my own pictures and we are enjoying sharing this interest.

When we visited the horses on Sunday P was just about to let the herd out into the hay pastures.  This is a cause for great excitement in the herd as the grass is lush and longer there than in any of the other fields at the moment.  They are not allowed to graze these pastures all the time and so are very keen to be allowed there.  The horses quickly realised what was happening and the whole herd—of around 40 horses—headed pell-mell for the fields.  P set it up so that we could safely stand in a good spot to watch them gallop past and photograph the stampede.  It was raining slightly so there are some raindrops on the images, but I still managed to get a few good shots  Seeing a whole herd of horses moving together harmoniously at speed was an exhilarating and joyous sight.

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