Saturday 8 January 2011

Indian review – Spiritual Lounge

The first Indian review of Relaxing into Meditation has appeared in an online magazine called Spiritual Lounge, January 2011 edition [PDF].

It is a nice, full page review – here are a few extracts:

"Nor'dzin starts off with the techniques, which allow the students to arrive at a starting point to meditation. There are chapters on the best position for meditation, the technique of breathing with alternate nostril, the skill of just 'listening in', the essential breathing patterns and the actual posture while meditating etc."

"The book also carries a gentle warning against sitting in a room with incense sticks burning when the students are engaging in breathing exercises. The resulting deeper breaths will mean smoke is inhaled deeply into the lungs and will lead to coughing. For today's several New Age enthusiasts who are more concerned about the props that accompany any such practice, this advice should come handy.

"Nor'dzin's writing is practical and, as she takes you through the steps, all of it seems like the most natural thing to do. I particularly liked the chapter on 'Walking Meditation' which is not very commonly known and which uses the physical process of walking as the focus instead of the breath.

"Nor'dzin's approach is simple and direct... it's friendly, down to earth and, most importantly, useful."


Relaxing into Meditation by Ngakma Nor'dzin
Aro Books worldwide  ISBN 978-1-898185-17-8

Available from,,, and other bookshops worldwide.

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