We met some amazing people during our whirlwind trip to Nepal – renewing some acquaintanceships and making new ones.
Lhamo Yangchen is the wife of Sangngag Rinpoche. She is a most kind and delightful person. She invited our group over for tea on the day after we arrived. Llamo also acted as translator for us when we visited Jomo Samphel Déchen, and when ’ö-Dzin saw Doctor Wangchuk.
Llamo Yangchen |
On our second day in Kathmandu half our group went to Pal Gyi Ling, the monastery of Lama Wangdü. He was receiving visitors in small groups in the mornings, and we waited in line till it was our turn. Lama Wangdü holds a gÇod (chod) lineage that has come down from Ma-gÇig (Machig) Labdrön and Padampa Sang-gyé. He asked us about our practice so we sang the Lama’i Naljor of Ma-gÇig Labdrön. He then sang it back to us with a different tune. He was very jolly and friendly.
The next day we visited Jomo Samphel Déchen, wife of the late Kyabjé Künzang Dorje Rinpoche. She is an extraordinary Lama who radiates with awareness and kindness.
Jomo Samphel Déchen |
One our fourth day in Nepal we were most fortunate to be granted the possibility of an audience with Namkha Dri’mèd Rinpoche. His personality was quite a contrast to Lama Wangdü: he was restrained and serious. He asked some penetrating questions about our practice. Toward the end of the audience Namkha Dri’mèd Rinpoche seemed satisfied with us and was happy for us to take photographs.
Namkha Dri’mèd Rinpoche |
On our final day, before the day of travelling home, we had intended to take a taxi up to Nagi Gompa and then walk back down. We visited Nagi Gompa on our first trip to Nepal in 2007 and each visit since then circumstances have arisen that have prevented us going again. 2014 was no exception – invitations were received for us to take part in Dakini day tsog’khorlo ceremonies so that is what we did. Lama Bar-ché led half of our group to Namkha Dri’mèd’s monastery and we led the other half to Lama Wangdü’s monastery. More of that later . . .
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